Red wine, rabid birds and Will Ferrell.

Hi, my name is Arik Nordby. I'm a designer in Minnesota. I like parody, a well-kerned headline and helping people laugh. 

I've been working (and playing) with Will's charity, Cancer for College, since 2007. Over the years, I've had the honor of designing his sunscreen, a bunch of event shirts/posters and even the logo/merch for the "Chad Smith vs. Will Ferrell Drum Off" on The Tonight Show!

A few years ago, I thought it'd be fun to create a unique auction item for him. It would depict a fictitious incident that only Will could find himself in - yep, you guessed it, a wine-fueled bird attack on a Californian golf course. Go on, scroll through the pix above to learn of this rare, aggressive bird.

I had Will sign a shirt for me, shot some photos of a friend that had a Ferrellish physique and merged them with still head shots from one of the best movies of all-time, Step Brothers. It resulted in a 24" x 30" shadowbox chock full of absurdity that was auctioned off at his Classy Golf Tournament in Coronado, California. 

Since then, I've been unable to stop thinking about historical figures in strange circumstances, spending many evenings tinkering with ways to reproduce and weather photos and documents.

I hope you enjoy.

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• Will's charity: 

• Fake stuff I make: 

• Real stuff I make:

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